Neuropsychological Testing

What is Neuropsychology?
Clinical Neuropsychology is an applied science that evaluates brain dysfunction, as well as the clinical and behavioral expression of that dysfunction. Often, the focus is on how injuries or illnesses of the brain affect cognitive and behavioral functions.

What is a neuropsychological assessment?
A battery of standardized tests that evaluates attention, problem solving, decision making, memory, language, verbal abilities, perception, visual spatial skills, motor skills, general executive function, intellectual abilities, academic functioning, and socio-emotional functioning.

What are the benefits?
1) Assistance with determining a diagnosis
2) Formulate treatment needs and recommendations
3) Guide patient care and planning
4) Provide documentation regarding abilities for future comparison
5) Provide general education about a diagnosis and prognosis

Who can benefit?
Everyone! However, assessments are particularly useful with cases of brain injury, concussions, neurological dysfunction, dementia, memory loss, attention-defecit issues, difficulties with thinking, difficulties with learning, and/or those feeling their “brain just isn’t working well.”
Types of Neuropsychological Testing

- Cognitive Impairment Related to Medical Diagnoses and Disease
- Memory Impairments/Dementia
- Traumatic Brain Injuries and Post Concussion Syndrome
- Cognitive Impairment Secondary to Toxic Exposure
- Ischemic Attacks, Strokes, Hypoxia/Anoxia, Vascular Disorders
- Degenerative Disorders, such as Parkinson’s Disease, MS
- Bariatric, Pain Stimulator, Spinal Cord Stimulator Surgery
- Learning Difficulties/Disorders
- Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Attention-Deficit Disorders
- Disability Claims and Worker Compensation
- Emotional, Stress (PTSD), and Mental Health Disorders